ADMC01 seat-module : CS free seat module for bidet
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AD Semiconductor is always trying to be the best on the Touch sensor & module market. And once more, ADS has stepped up introducing ADMC01 seat-module. ADMC01 is basically 1CH touch sensor and ADS has made a seat-module for bidet.
ADMC01 touch sensor IC can be used such as water purifier for direct and indirect water sensor module and bidet for seat module. The module using ADMC01 is very easy to use, designed to make the best performance and keep the products sophisticated.
ADMC01 Touch offers three timer/counters, single programmable I/O port, 1-Channel capacitive integration touch sensor ports including temperature detector, one watchdog timer, POR (Power-On-Reset) by LVD (Low Voltage Detector), 1-channel PWM, one I^2 C slave as peripheral. In addition, it contains an internal ring oscillator, which can generate the max. 8MHz (typ. 4MHz) system clock signal instead of an external crystal oscillator. It supports internal 30KHz oscillator for distinct power-save and provides effective power reduction modes and EMI noise reduction feature.
According to the above information, ADMC01 has great benefits for using on products. Also, ADMC01 has recently passed the CS certification from 5V, which means CS Free. ADS has constantly satisfied our customer and looking forward to deal with you for the business partner. Thank you.